Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dad and Toddler, Day Before Easter

Do you want to run around?
Jiejie is practicing piano.
The sidewalk is made of concrete.
We stay on the sidewalk.
The tree is made of wood.
The lamppost is made of metal.
We stay on the sidewalk.
No. We stay on the sidewalk.
there are weeds growing out of the sidewalk, and there's the tiny stump of a small tree that grew right out of the sidewalk until they cut it down but they still couldn't get rid of the stump and I've tripped over it twice like it was an invisible brick
This wall is made of brick.
This wall is made of concrete.
The sidewalk is made of concrete.
This window is not made of metal, it's made of glass.
No, we stay on the sidewalk.
No, we stay on the sidewalk.
the weeds make me think of forests in the deep parts of my mind where journeyers go on long hard adventures to claim magical beautiful things of wood or metal or glass or stone with which to defy magical cruel things of wood or metal or glass or stone and none of it is very much like entertaining a two-year-old while his sister has a piano lesson
The car is metal.
That is not our car. We don't touch it.
That car behind the window is broken. When a car is broken we take it to a mechanic. A car has lots of pieces.
oh how he loves cars
We have to turn back here.
We have to turn back here.
it's Easter tomorrow it will be busy it is always busy
We stay on the sidewalk.
Yes, there's the broken car.
between sidewalk cracks and the pieces of a broken car there is a light that shines through and I know it because I know the glow of it on his face
The tree is wood.
The signpost is metal.
We're going back to Jiejie. On your mark, get set, go.
No, this way.
light like sunrise at a tomb with the stone rolled away
Let me pick you up.